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  • 时间:2016-03-16

  • 来源:互联网



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Some archaeologists speculate that the Americas might have been initially colonized between 40,000 and 25,000 years ago. However, to support this theory it is necessary to explain the absence of generally accepted habitation sites for that time interval in what is now the United States. Australia, which has a smaller land area than the United States, has many such sites, supporting the generally accepted claim that the continent was colonized by humans at least 40,000 years ago. Australia is less densely populated (resulting in lower chances of discovering sites) and with its overall greater aridity would have presented conditions less favorable for hunter-gatherer occupation. Proportionally, at least as much land area has been lost from the coastal regions of Australia because of postglacial sea-level rise as in the United States, so any coastal archaeological record in Australia should have been depleted about as much as a coastal record in the United States. Since there are so many resource-rich rivers leading inland from the United States coastlines, it seems implausible that a growing population of humans would have confined itself to coasts for thousands of years. If inhabitants were present 25,000 years ago, the chances of their appearing in the archaeological record would seem to be greater than for Australia.

The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

A. Presenting an objection to a claim

B. Accounting for an apparent anomaly

C. Outlining an alternative interpretation

D. Correcting a particular misconception

E. Questioning the validity of a comparison


在这篇文章中,一开始指出考古学家认为如今的美国地区最初被人类所居住是在4万到2万5千年前。但是,作者说,考古学家需要解释为什么找不到那个时期人类居住的痕迹。接着,一系列细节让作者得出了一个判断,即假如考古学家的观点为真的话,他们理应能够找到考古遗迹才对。所有这些信息指向一个最终的目的,即考古学家的观点是不靠谱的。然而,这个观点从头到尾作者都没有直接说出,而需要由我们自己从文章信息中推断出来。其论证过程是由前提(考古学家观点若为真 → 能找到遗址),加前提(没找到遗址),推断出结论(考古学家观点不为真),符合逻辑学基本定理modus tollens,即前提(p → q)加前提~q可以推出结论~p。我们都希望一篇否定他人观点的文章以如下明确的方式表达态度,比如“某人认为XXX是对的。但是,很显然,他的观点没有道理的。”可是,在GRE偏难的文章中,我们很难期待作者把话说得这么直接,而题目恰恰就会考察我们能否把文章隐藏的目的推敲出来的能力。显然,如同先前几条能力所要求,GRE考试对文章的主旨考察也需要我们主动的介入文本,而不是被动的接受文章的字面意思。


Most seismologists assume that following a major earthquake and its aftershocks, the fault (a break in Earth’s crust where pressure can trigger an earthquake) will remain quiet until stresses have time to rebuild, typically over hundreds or thousands of years. Recent evidence of subtle interactions between earthquakes may overturn this assumption, however. According to the stress-triggering hypothesis, faults are unexpectedly responsive to subtle stresses they acquire as neighboring faults shift. Rather than simply dissipating, stress relieved during an earthquake travels along the fault, concentrating in sites nearby; even the smallest additional stresses may then trigger another quake along the fault or on a nearby fault. Although scientists have long viewed such subtle interactions as nonexistent, the hypothesis has explained the location and frequency of earthquakes following several destructive quakes in California, Japan, and Turkey.

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

The passage suggests that most seismologists believe which of the following about fault stresses?

A. They are dissipated when they result in an earthquake.

B. They are transferred between neighboring faults.

C. They will not cause a major earthquake along the same fault in the space of a few years.



能力8聚焦在理解文章结构,理解信息之间关系的考察上。两种核心题型涉及这种能力,即论证结构题(organization of passage)以及信息功能题(function of text)。

Having a larger assortment to choose from increases consumers’ expectations about matching their preferences. The heightened expectations seem logical, since assortments containing more or more varied items should increase the degree to which preferences can be matched. In practice, however, as assortment size increases, the degree to which consumers realize better preference matches often rises relatively little. Larger assortments may not actually offer more variety, the market may simply not supply an envisioned offering, or in the absence of sophisticated search tools, consumers may miss a better preference match even if it is available. Therefore, larger assortments can increase the likelihood that expectations will not be met, leaving consumers less satisfied with options chosen from larger rather than smaller assortments.

Which of the following best describes the function of the first sentence in the author’s argument as a whole?

A. It states a premise on which the author’s conclusion is based

B. It provides information to support the inference made in the following sentence

C. It introduces a concept that the author proves is illogical

D. It summarizes a position that the author proceeds to dispute

E. It presents the phenomenon the argument is intended to explain




Historian Colin Calloway argues that in the late colonial period preceding the American Revolution (1775-1783), the British government sought to seal off territory west of the Appalachian Mountains from the encroachment of land-hungry White settlers, to negotiate with Native American peoples as independent foreign states, and to guarantee the integrity of traditional Native American hunting grounds. By contrast, White Americans, released by the outbreak of the Revolution from the constraints of Britain’s allegedly benevolent policies, are portrayed by Calloway as ruthless land-grabbers whose new national government endorsed their rapacity. Bernard Bailyn argues, however, that the “Americans” who encroached on Native American land during the Revolution had been British only a few years before. When, during and after the Revolution, White Americans seized Native American land by any available means, they were continuing a tradition dating back to the earliest years of English settlement in North America. And, according to Bailyn, the British government’s prewar efforts to preserve the trans-Appalachian west for Native Americans resulted not from humanitarian virtue or ethnic tolerance but from British merchants’ desire to maintain their lucrative trade with Native Americans and the government’s desire to control immigration and avoid costly conflict between Whites and Native Americans over land.

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. suggest that two different arguments about a particular historical period are both questionable

B. present historical evidence that undermines a widely accepted viewpoint

C. defend a revisionist historian’s thesis against traditionalist criticism

D. outline opposing interpretations of a particular historical phenomenon

E. resolve a dispute among historians over a controversial historical episode




细心的读者读到这里,不难发现,GRE考试声称自己考察的是理性思维能力“critical thinking”,可以说并不是夸大其词。和过去语言类阅读考试考查句意理解词义理解的形式不同,整个GRE考试几乎没有多少题目是直接看懂原文语句字面意思本身可以直接解决的。所以,这种考试要求读者提高主动性阅读的能力,而非被动接受字面信息。ETS官方建议考生:

Try to distinguish main ideas from supporting ideas or evidence.

Try to distinguish ideas that the author is advancing from those he or she is merely reporting.

Similarly, try to distinguish ideas that the author is strongly committed to from those he or she advances as hypothetical or speculative.

Try to identify the main transitions from one idea to the next.

Try to identify the relationship between different ideas.


1. 区分观点本身与观点的背后的理由与证据;

2. 区分作者支持的观点与作者仅仅是在引述的观点;

3. 区分作者赞同的观点与作者只是作为可能性提出的观点;

4. 留意文章是否出现了观点的推进,即从一个观点转向了新的观点;

5. 辨识不同观点之间的关系。

















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