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独家!(七)雅思口语Part 1之高频话题boat问题大全!

  • 时间:2021-08-18

  • 来源:留学监理网



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在雅思口语考试中,考生将与雅思考官进行面对面的交谈。考试形式为互动式,并尽可能接近日常生活中的对话场景。雅思口语第一部分,考生需要回答与自身或者家庭情况相关的问题。(雅思学术类和培训类考试的口语考试试卷一致。)今天,小编为大家整理了有关boat的相关问题及Sample Answer,以供大家参考。


今天,小编为大家整理了有关boat的相关问题及Sample Answer,以供大家参考。

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Question 1

Do you often travel by boat?


1. Well, I hardly ever travel by boat, 'cause I always get sea sick when I'm on a boat. I feel dizzy and I wanna throw up even at the sight of a boat. So when I need to go somewhere, I prefer to take the train or plane.

2. Actually I would say yes, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in my daily life, because I live in a watery place in the south-west of China, which is just like the Venice. We go everywhere by boat since all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, I don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.

3. Not really, mostly when I go on long journeys, apparently it saves me more time to travel by plane or train. When I need to go somewhere nearby my location, I prefer to drive there or take a bus. Actually I can't think of any occasion when taking a boat could be a preferable mean of transport, unless you want to go sightseeing around a lake or down the streams etc., which does not happen on most of my trips.

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Question 2

Have you ever travelled by boat? / Have you ever taken a boat somewhere?

你乘船旅行过吗? /你坐过船去什么地方吗?

1. Oh, dozen times, I guess. Boating is a perfect way for me to unwind and reconnect in the natural environment. So, yeah, I always try to go on a boat trip while traveling near the water.

2. Sure, coz the city I live now is actually an island. Of course there are several bridges which lead us to other parts, however, travelling by boat is another choice. So I got a lot of chances to take a boat. For example, the only transportation to another island named Gulang Island is boat.

Question 3

Do you like going boating? / Do you like to travel by boat?

你喜欢乘船吗? /你喜欢乘船旅行吗?

1. For sure I like it. as it is a beautiful and enjoyable way to see some city or area or just enjoy the scenery that passes by.

2. Absolutely, I am a big fan of boating which is a great outdoor sport. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine boosts your mood and contributes to your overall fitness. More importantly, as soon as you step off the dock, you have an unbridled sense of freedom.

3. Not really coz I'm a little ship-sick but if I got a chance to own a boat,I’ll overcome it. Boat is so different from other transportation. If you travel by ship, the only scenery you'll see is the sky connects with the sea, which is spectacular, I believe.

Question 4

Do Chinese people like travelling by ship?


Well, for most of us, I don’t think so. Coz travelling by ship takes a long time, much longer than by train or by plane. It seems that we are very busy and we don’t want to waste any time. However,I’d like to travel by ship in the short future.

Question 5

Have you ever been on a boat tour while you were on holidays?


Well, yeah, and it was not a good experience. Just a few days ago I took a trip to Thailand, and on the second day we were arranged to live on an island, which means I had to get there by boat. The worst part was, it was windy and huge waves were breaking on the shore. The boat kept rocking from side to side, which was killing me.

Question 6

Where in your country do people most often use boats or, travel by boat?


1. Well, as far as I know, people in the south of China always travel by boat, 'cause there are lots of rivers and lakes there. And I heard that many people who live on the south coast make a living as fishermen, so they spend most of the time on the water.

2. Perhaps people who live in coastal cities have more chances to travel by boats. Obviously, it's easier for them to have a boat tour on the sea or ship goods from/to other habours. For instance, in my hometown, a lot of people even have their own yachts. Plus, there are quite a few habours which are significant means of importing and exporting stuff.

3. There're lots of watery places in the south-west of China, which are just like the Venice. For people there, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in their daily lives. They go everywhere by boat since all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, they don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.


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以上就是小编为大家整理的有关雅思口语Part 1之高频话题boat问题及回答示例,希望对大家有所帮助。小编将会持续更新雅思口语高频话题之相关问题及回答,请大家及时关注!







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