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独家!(一)雅思口语Part 1之高频话题punctuality问题大全!

  • 时间:2021-08-24

  • 来源:留学监理网



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在雅思口语考试中,考生将与雅思考官进行面对面的交谈。考试形式为互动式,并尽可能接近日常生活中的对话场景。雅思口语第一部分,考生需要回答与自身或者家庭情况相关的问题。(雅思学术类和培训类考试的口语考试试卷一致。)今天,小编为大家整理了有关punctuality的相关问题及Sample Answer,以供大家参考。


今天,小编为大家整理了有关punctuality的相关问题及Sample Answer,以供大家参考。

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Question 1

Are you a punctual person? / Can you describe yourself as a punctual person?

你是一个守时的人吗? / 你可以称自己为一个守时的人么?

1. Well... Not really, I just can't help it. I mean, I really want to be on time for everying, but I always end up spending too much time putting on my makeup.

2. Well, at least I always try to be on time. But you know, living in a city where traffic jam is an unavoidable part of the daily life makes it difficult to be a punctual person. I wouldn’t want to use it as an excuse so I tend to set out earlier when I go to an appointment just in case.

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Question 2

How do you remind yourself to be on time? / What are some of the ways by which you think people can be on time?

你如何提醒自己守时? / 你认为人们守时有哪些方法?

1. Sometimes, I would set an alarm clock, but it doesn't really work, 'cause like I said, I always spend too long sitting in front of my mirror, touching up my makeup, so I often get out my place a few minutes later than I planned.

2. I tend to make a to-do list for fear that I may forget, and then PH set the alarm clock. It is a simple but convenient way to remind myself. In addition, I always give myself a hint that I should develop the punctual habit.

3. The easiest thing for me to remind me to be punctual is to take some notes about what I am going to do. Sometimes, I will take a small notebook which is smaller than an Iphone 7 plus, because is not too big to carry. This portable notebook is really a helper for my life.

4. Well, I believe being on time is just a matter of practice and attitude. So, if every time you are late for the small things that do not matter much, there are more chances that you are likely to be late when big things come up. Also, it is about attitude in a sense, that if you consider the even as important or for that matter the small things in your life important, there are less chances that you shall be late for it.

Question 3

Do you think it is important to be punctual? / Do you think it is important for an individual to be on time?

你认为守时重要吗?/ 你认为一个人守时重要吗?

1. Yeah, definitely. Being punctual is a way to show your respect for others. If you are late all the time, like I do, people around you will lose their patience or be upset about it, which is not good for your interpersonal relationship. I learned it the hard way.

2. Yes, I consider it essential to develop a good habit of being punctual. On one thing, being punctual is definitely helpful for us to save more time to do more meaningful things like reading, doing exercise, or just accompanying family. Also, we can leave a good impression on others.

3. I really think it crucial for every one of us to be punctual, because it's a matter of being professional and paying respect to others. You couldn't imagine how terrible others might feel if you are poor in time management.

4. I think it is quite of a relative question. So, it mostly depends on the situation. For example, if an individual is late for a meeting or a flight, the person is going to loose lot of things. However, for places like parties or travelling, being very time bound takes a lot of fun out of vacations. Also, if you know someone is waiting for you, one must try to be on time.

Question 4

Why are some people always late?


1. I guess the traffic is one of the common reasons. I mean, sometimes the rush-hour traffic in some parts of the city could be so horrible that we could get stuck in traffic for a long time. So even if you get out earlier than you planned, you could still be late.

2. Maybe it is up to their characters. Or probably they just have developed the habit of procrastination. Or maybe they just don’t have a routine life.

3. I guess the main reason for this issue is that people don't take the things so seriously, and they might think it's not a big matter if they get late or get some punishment from it.

Question 5

What would you do if you were waiting for someone?


1. Um, to be honest, that kind of thing hardly ever happens, 'cause in most cases, I'm the one that others would be waiting for. However, if I had to wait for someone, then maybe I would just play with my phone, you know, read news or check what's new on the social media.

2. I can play my mobile phone. There are so many things I can do with my mobile phone. I can have a chat with my friends on WeChat or QQ. I can read an electronic book. I can surf the Internet or Micro-blog.

3. Sometinmes, I will take a Kindle with me. It is a small electronic device that can allow me to read wherever I stay. This little thing helped me better utilize the time that might be wasted during the waiting.

Question 6

Do you think people these days are as punctual as in the past?


1. Well, in my opinion, today, people are more punctual than they used to be, 'cause maybe now people have realized that time is money. They don't want to waste others' precious time, and they don't want to look unprefessional, you know, when they are doing business with others.

2. No, I don’t think so. Nowadays, people tend to be late, compared to the past. Just because of the convenience of the mobile phone, once they can’t be punctual, they can just make some excuses through mobile phone and won’t feel guilty.

3. No, I don't think we are the same as people in the past for this matter. The booming development of technology has provided us a lot of things to do, like playing mobile phone games, watching TVs and so on, which kind of distracted our attention on finishing the most important things. So, people are less punctual because of those distractions.

Question 7

Do you keep track of time usually?


I certainly do. I think it’s important for most people nowadays to be able to keep track of time because we are living in such a fast paced world where, the faster you are at doing things, the more likely you are to be successful.

Question 8

Do you wear a watch?


I like wearing watches and I used to wear them. However, with changing times, I have stopped wearing one.

Question 9

How do you feel when others are late?


If my entire plan depends on that person, I really don’t like people getting late. Also, being late does not mean skipping five or ten minutes, but beyond that, it really becomes annoying. Specially, in places like movies or a game, where you miss a part of it, if your partner is late. But, for the most part, if I have to not wait for a very long time, I don’t mind too much on people being late.

Question 10

How often are you late?


For most part, I try to be on time, but surely I am not one of those who follow the dot rule. So, being on time for things like meeting up with friends I can be late by five or ten minutes. But, in formal situations like meetings or for flights, I am punctual enough not to cause any trouble.


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