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前几天,我的朋友告诉我美国人做了一个投票网站,叫做TheTopTens。上面有各式各样的投票和排名,例如:全世界最正的妹子、最好听的歌、最棒的网游,bla bla bla。。。其中有个帖子吸引了我的注意,那就是Worst Language in the World(全世界最糟糕的语言)。看到这个标题,我们就知道中文一定上榜了!但是你知道还有哪些语言与中文共同挤进了前十名吗?来看今天的趣味阅读吧。

前几天,我的朋友告诉我美国人做了一个投票网站,叫做TheTopTens。上面有各式各样的投票和排名,例如:全世界最正的妹子、最好听的歌、最棒的网游,bla bla bla。。。其中有个帖子吸引了我的注意,那就是Worst Language in the World(全世界最糟糕的语言)。看到这个标题,我们就知道中文一定上榜了!但是你知道还有哪些语言与中文共同挤进了前十名吗?来看今天的趣味阅读吧。


Worst Language in the World完整榜单:

第一名:American English/美式英语






第七名:Old English/古英语






美式英语:  >>>点击进行美国留学咨询


Use our proper English English! We really don't mind if you do! Why ruin a perfectly good language! (这肯定是个英国网友说的,BrE VS. AmE,还没有分出胜负)

American English is also known as "Bastard English". It does not need any more explanation at all. If you disagree, then you may not know American English at all. YO!

It sounds like someone's been sick. I can't listen to it, if I hear it on the tellie, I'll turn is off, or change channel to the BBC. I think it's the worst language in the world. Those Americans really can't speak English. Bloody awful, it should be banned.



Oh my god! It's not a language, it's a real IQ program for our memory! Can you imagine how many hieroglyph (象形文字) you are supposed to memorize to speak?! More than 9000! It's terrible!(说中文字太难学!)

Probably, the main reason I find Chinese language so annoying is that their sound are connected strongly to the bad manners of certain groups of Chinese people in my country. I have seen a lot of Chinese students speaking super loudly in a school cafeteria and start arguing in public spaces as if there are no other people around, but above all, the worst was how they spoke while their mouth full of food accompanied by a constant chewing sound.

Whenever I hear Chinese people speaking Chinese language, it makes me recall those disagreeable memories, which make me awfully annoyed. This feelings make me so perplexed at the same time because I have several good Chinese friends and ancient Chinese literary class was my favorite when I was in high school (ancient Chinese is still a required course and very popular in Japanese high school).

If there is any Chinese reading this, I want to apologize beforehand that my comment may sound a bit offensive. (显然,这是一个日本网友的留言)

Definitely Chinese. The Chinese language is just so repulsive. It's not that it's hard to learn, the intonations and pitches and even characters are fairly easy to learn. I can actually speak Chinese, unlike some other people who can't and therefore don't deserve to judge the language. If I said Chinese is a bad language because it's hard to speak, that would mean that I'm a loser who didn't have the determination to learn Chinese and gave up but I'm not saying that. I'm saying Chinese is the world's worst language because it sounds plain awful. All of its dialects {especially the Shanghai dialect} sound horrible, there are no dialects that sound good at all. I also find the Chinese culture highly repulsive and sometime outright barbaric! The Chinese have awful manners. If you don't believe me, why don't you check out a story about what Chinese tourists did to Disneyland in Taiwan. It's a good story, trust me. (上海话躺枪)

古英语:   >>>点击进行英国留学咨询


Let's get something straight. Old English does NOT mean Shakespeare English or King James Bible English. Shakespeare could not understand Old English. The term "Old English" does NOT mean "English that is old"; it refers to the language that English originated from, which is often called "Anglo-Saxon", as it was spoken by the Angles and the Saxons. Shakespeare spoke early modern English, which was spoken many hundreds of years after Old English had died. If you want to see Old English, Google an untranslated version of Beowulf. (莎士比亚的英语已经很难懂了,更久远的英语就更是天书惹!)

法语:   >>>点击进行法国留学咨询


Hey guys, let's make a language where you don't pronounce the last sixty-five letters of every word, meaning that you get end up with some of the most important words of the language sounding like each other, and must rely completely on context unless you're reading it ("il" and "ils"; "a" and "à"; "es," "est," and "et"). Yeah, great language. As long as you're reading/writing it. (法语很多单词词尾的字母不发音,让听力变得十分困难~看来外国网友也hold不住啊)

I am French, and yeah, while people who aren't French may find this language "beautiful", it is in fact incredibly ugly and rude. People who think that French is beautiful are either non-French people, or French people who are narrow-minded (and unfortunately there are so many of them, which is why French people have an extremely bad reputation for their lack of respect and manners). (这位法国网友黑起自己的语言和同胞也是毫不留情,你要不要来中国拜金星老师为师吧)

德语:   >>>点击进行德国留学咨询


German is a throat disease, not a language I've learned German at school and it sounds like you have a serious throat disease. But German can be nice sometimes if it's spoken by a man not by a woman, woman sounds terrible when she speaks German. Man sounds more pleasant when they speak German. (德语根本不是一门语言,而是一种咽喉疾病!好犀利的平价!)

A really ugly sounding language! I live two years now in Germany and I really cannot understand why there are people who want to learn this language. It is harsh, complex and with no reasonable grammatical background. Even the native German speakers are not using the language properly. I am still struggling to improve my skills. I will vote German as the by far worst sounding language (no offense). (在德国住了2年了,竟然发现德国人都说不好德语。这是真的吗?)

意大利语:   >>>点击进行意大利留学咨询


As a Romanian person who lives in Italy I can agree with the idea that this language is just horrible. As much as you might think it's actually "cute" or so, when you'll see how it actually is... it's just annoying to listen .Also people think it's melodic and I don't consider it to be anyway close to that. Going a bit off from this subject. Their organization is the worst I've ever seen. The only thing I like is the environment and nothing more. Sorry to all the Italians, but this is what a foreigner thinks about your country & language. (这位罗马尼亚网友,让你吐槽语言,你说别人国家干嘛?还有,罗马尼亚与和意大利语也是有很近的亲缘关系的,相煎何太急啊)

Italian language is definitively the most lurid, awful, horrible language it's unfortunately possible to hear, but it's the exact image of what is Italy and Italian people, so boring, annoying, bumpkin, yokel. (哔哔哔,警察叔叔,这里有人人身攻击!把他抓起来!)

韩语:   >>>点击进行韩国留学咨询


I think Korean sounds annoying, it seems harsh and masculine. I hate how they drag the vowels; a's, o's and e's. It's so hard to listen to K-pop can hardly make out each word, the words don't have an individual sound it’s like strung together. (第一个吐槽的是发音,尤其是元音)

Extremely harsh. Worse than Chinese. (这。。。我们应该开心一下吗?)

Seriously I don't understand how anyone could like Korean language. It sounds harsh, rude, and angry not to mention super whinny. I feel like slapping them every time I hear them. And they have no manner and don't really mind their environment when they talk with this barbaric language. So annoying. (天惹!竟然出现了barbaric这个词,从来没有人用这个词形容一门语言)

西班牙语:   >>>点击进行西班牙留学咨询


Really easy at first, but very difficult as you progress to higher levels. Too much idioms, impossible to learn as a foreigner. 14 tenses, some of them really useless. Almost impossible for a foreigner to understand natives speaking due to high speed and sound variance. The most deceiving language in the world: seems easy to learn, but it is almost impossible to advance after the first easy steps. A total waste of time. (开头容易,后面难。我可以向大家保证,西班牙语确实是这样的)

It's not as flexible as English is; you can bend and play with the rules of our English language because, put simply, it's the most advanced in the world. Languages become more advanced as they combine to create modern tongues (super-languages). English is a combination of the entirety of Romance and Germanic, therefore it is the most advanced. Spanish is a trashy, watered-down(稀释的) version of Latin. (英语的进化程度的确很高,但是也不要这样说别人啊)

I hate Spanish! Everyone in my family speaks this language. I am like, the only one on my family that can't speak Spanish. This is because it's so HARD to learn! If it was easy, it would be a great language, but no. (作为家里面唯一一个不会西班牙语的成员,我们只能给予你同情了)

















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