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  • 时间:2021-09-02

  • 来源:留学监理网


  • ●(1小时前) 重庆的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:预约中介顾问 推荐留学中介 留学监理服务
  • ●(1小时前) 陕西的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:预约中介顾问 留学监理服务
  • ●(2小时前) 重庆的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介
  • ●(3小时前) 宁夏的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:查询中介口碑 推荐留学中介 留学监理服务
  • ●(3小时前) 安徽的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:留学监理服务
  • ●(3小时前) 港澳台及国外的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:留学监理服务
  • ●(3小时前) 上海的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介
  • ●(5小时前) 山东的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介 留学监理服务
  • ●(5小时前) 贵州的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:留学监理服务
  • ●(8小时前) 内蒙古的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:查询中介口碑 留学监理服务
  • ●(8小时前) 上海的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介
  • ●(8小时前) 湖北的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介
  • ●(12小时前) 广西的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:留学监理服务
  • ●(12小时前) 辽宁的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介
  • ●(12小时前) 湖北的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:预约中介顾问 推荐留学中介
  • ●(12小时前) 吉林的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介 留学监理服务
  • ●(1天前) 新疆的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:查询中介口碑 留学监理服务
  • ●(1天前) 辽宁的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:推荐留学中介 留学监理服务
  • ●(1天前) 宁夏的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:留学监理服务
  • ●(1天前) 安徽的X同学使用了留学监理网服务:预约中介顾问
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MA in Anthropology1st round: 15 October 20212nd round: 15 November 20213rd round: 15 December 20214th round: 31 January 2022

MA in Chinese Studies1st round: 12 November 20212nd round: 14 January 20223rd round: 4 March 20224th round: 29 April 2022

MA in Chinese Language and Literature1st round: 15 November 20212nd round: 15 December 20213rd round: 28 January 2022

MA in Cultural Management28 February 2022

MA in Intercultural Studies28 February 2022

MA in English (Applied English Linguistics)1st round: 19 November 20212nd round: 31 December 2021

MA in English (Literary Studies)1st round: 19 November 20212nd round: 31 December 2021

MA in Fine Arts1st round: 7 January 20222nd round: 28 February 2022

MA in Comparative and Public HistoryMain Round: 31 January 20222nd Round: 28 February 2022

MA in Japanese Studies1st round: 22 November 20212nd round: 4 February 20223rd round: 31 March 2022

MA in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition28 February 2022

MA in Linguistics28 February 2022

MA in Music28 February 2022

MA in Philosophy28 February 2022

MA in Buddhist Studies28 February 2022

MA in Religious StudiesPriority round: 28 February 2022Final round: 22 April 2022

MA in Christian Studies14 April 2022

Master of Divinity14 April 2022



Juris Doctor/MBA1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Accountancy1st round: 1 October 20212nd round: 5 November 20213rd round: 14 January 20224th round: 6 April 2022

MBA1st round: 17 October 20212nd round: 12 December 20213rd round: 13 February 20224th round: 20 April 2022

MBA in Finance (offered in Beijing)25 March 2022

MBA in Finance (offered in Shenzhen)28 March 2022

MSc in Business Analytics1st round: 8 October 20212nd round: 12 November 20213rd round: 17 December 20214th round: 28 January 20225th round: 4 March 2022

MSc in Finance1st round: 1 November 20212nd round: 31 January 2022

MSc in Information and Technology Management1st round: 14 October 20212nd round: 18 November 20213rd round: 16 December 20214th round: 27 January 20225th round: 10 March 2022

MSc in Management1st round: 18 November 20212nd round: 23 December 20213rd round: 2 February 20224th round: 9 March 2022

MSc in Marketing1st round: 11 October 20212nd round: 15 November 20213rd round: 13 December 20214th round: 24 January 20225th round: 7 March 20226th round: 11 April 2022

MSc in Real Estate1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 30 November 20213rd round: 4 January 20224th round: 11 February 20225th round: 18 March 20226th round: 26 April 2022



Doctor of Education28 February 2022

MA in Chinese Language Education28 February 2022

MA in Early Childhood Education28 February 2022

MA in English Language Teaching28 February 2022

MA in School Guidance and Counselling28 February 2022

MA in School Improvement and LeadershipPriority round: 28 February 2022Final round: 29 April 2022

Master of Education28 February 2022

MSc in Mathematics Education28 February 2022

MSc in Sports Science and Physical Activity28 February 2022



MSc in Biomedical EngineeringFor non-local applicants: 30 April 2022

MSc in Computer Science31 January 2022

MSc in Electronic Engineering1st round: 22 November 20212nd round: 23 December 20213rd round: 4 February 2022

MSc in Financial Technology1st round: 4 October 20212nd round: 1 November 20213rd round: 6 December 20214th round: 3 January 20225th round: 1 March 2022

MSc in Information Engineering1st Round: 30 September 20212nd Round: 15 November 20213rd Round: 31 December 2021

MSc in Mechanical and Automation Engineering30 April 2022

MSc in E-Commerce and Logistics Technologies1st round: 15 January 20222nd round: 28 February 2022

MSc in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management1st round: 15 January 20222nd round: 28 February 2022



Juris Doctor1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Juris Doctor/MBA1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Laws in Common Law1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Laws in International Economic Law1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Master of Laws in Legal History (Subject to University Approval)1st round: 28 January 20222nd round: 25 February 20223rd round: 8 April 2022

Postgraduate Certificate in Laws30 April 2022



MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics25 April 2022

Master of Chinese Medicine28 February 2022

MSc in Chinese Medicine31 March 2022

MSc in Cardiology30 April 2022

MSc in Gastroenterology30 April 2022

MSc in Stroke and Clinical NeurosciencesPriority round: 09 January 2022Final round: 31 March 2022

Doctor of Nursing1st round: 28 February 20222nd round: 31 March 2022

Master of Nursing1st round: 28 February 20222nd round: 31 March 2022

Master of Nursing Science (Pre-registration)1st round: 28 February 20222nd round: 30 April 2022

MSc in Medical Genetics30 April 2022

MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care30 April 2022

MSc in Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology30 April 2022

MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics30 April 2022

MSc in Sports Medicine and Health SciencePriority round: 31 January 2022Final round: 30 April 2022

MSc in Speech-Language Pathology1st Priority Round: 30 November 20212nd Priority Round: 7 January 20223rd Priority Round: 18 February 2022Final round: 31 March 2022

Master of Clinical PharmacyFor non-local applicants: 31 March 2022

Master of Public HealthPriority round: 28 February 2022Final round: 1 May 2022

MSc in Epidemiology and BiostatisticsPriority round: 28 February 2022Final round: 1 May 2022

MSc in Health Services ManagementPriority round: 15 March 2022Final round: 31 May 2022

MSc in Prehospital and Emergency Care31 March 2022



MSc in Accreditation Chemistry1 March 2022

MSc in Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences28 February 2022

MSc in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology11 April 2022

MSc in Mathematics31 March 2022

MSc in Physics30 April 2022

MSc in Risk Management Science and Data AnalyticsPriority round: 31 December 2021Final round: 28 February 2022

MSc in Data Science and Business Statistics28 February 2022



Master of Architecture14 January 2022

MSc in Urban Design15 April 2022

MA in Global CommunicationPriority round: 15 December 2021Final round: 28 January 2022

MA in JournalismPriority round: 15 December 2021Final round: 28 January 2022

MSc in New MediaPriority round: 15 December 2021Final round: 28 January 2022

MSSc in AdvertisingPriority round: 15 December 2021Final round: 28 Januray 2022

MSSc in Corporate CommunicationPriority round: 15 December 2021Final round: 28 January 2022

Dual Degree - MSc in Applied Economics (CUHK) and MS in Social and Economic Policy (Northwestern University)1st round:22 October 20212nd round:10 December 20213rd round:25 February 2022

MSc in Economics1st round:22 October 20212nd round:10 December 20213rd round: 25 February 2022

MSc in GeoInformation Science and Smart Cities30 April 2022

MSSc in Sustainable Tourism30 April 2022

MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China)31 March 2022

MSSc in Public Policy1st round: 3 December 20212nd round: 31 March 2022

MA in Psychology3 January 2022

MSSc in Clinical Psychology14 January 2022

MSc in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management30 April 2022

MSSc in Global Political Economy28 February 2022

MA in Family Counselling and Family Education1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 1 December 20213rd round: 14 March 2022

MA in Social Policy1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 1 December 20213rd round: 14 March 2022

MA in Social Service Management1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 1 December 20213rd round: 14 March 2022

Master of Social Work1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 1 December 20213rd round: 14 March 2022

MSSc in Social Work1st round: 25 October 20212nd round: 1 December 20213rd round: 14 March 2022

MA in Sociology1st round: 1 November 20212nd round: 31 January 2022



MA in Gender Studies15 March 2022

























  陷阱合同 霸王条款
  推脱责任 不断拖延
  无端承诺 胡乱收费
  申请失败 拖延退费

  监理师一对一科学分析 定向推荐
  预约高水平的专业顾问 拒绝随机
  审查中介所供留学方案 保障安全


















