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  • 时间:2021-08-05

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一、介绍Mammoths(猛犸象)生活的时间,和灭绝的时间。猛犸象生活照距今180万年到1.1万年期间的更新世(Pleistocene)。在距今1.1万年的时候,基本灭绝。灭绝原因是气候变化。气候灭绝理论认为距今1.3万年-1万年的时候,气温上升了6℃,夏天变的更长更热,冬天变得更长更冷。温和气候时间持续较短。这就影响了食草动物们的食物,也即是植被的生长。该理论模型认为,如果猛犸象常常食用三种类型的食物A, B, C,气候变化后,会使得这几种植物生长地理位置发生变化,不再生长在同一处区域。猛犸象即使随着水草迁徙。因为猛犸象赖以生存的植被生长区的变化,导致猛犸象不再像以前一样能获得足够的营养,导致猛犸象题型变小,数量减少。同时,因为植被导致了猛犸象的迁徙,使得猛犸象的种群数量被隔离成很小的种群,不同种群之间无法繁殖。小种群内部的繁殖导致基因质量越来越差,最终灭绝。举例证明,生活在欧亚大陆的猛犸象就符合上面给出的气候灭绝理论模型。对猛犸象食用的植物减少,营养降低导致猛犸象灭绝的理论的提出质疑。因为,虽然气候变化,但北美地区的哥伦比亚猛犸象能够很容易迁徙到附近160公里的水草丰美的地方,但是哥伦比亚猛犸象还是灭绝了。对气候变化导致灭绝提出质疑,提到猛犸象生活的更新世Pleistocene,至少有个22词较大的气候周期变化,之前的气候变化都没有导致猛犸象灭绝,这一次灭绝了,理论站不住脚。

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二、人类最早定居北美的时间存在争议,最终伴随着一种人制石刃工具F points在野牛肋骨间的发现,确认了人类北美定居时间至少一万年前(因为该野牛于一万年前灭绝)。后来在Clovis又发现比F points还要古老的石刃工具,被称为Clovis points,有人认为Clovis points的使用者就是首次出现在北美大陆上的人类,但也有人对此持反对态度。

“Clovis人是首批出现在北美的人”的支持者要求该理论的反对者去寻找证据,证明在Clovis人之前也有人类定居,但这样的证据很少;不过证据少不能证明这样的事情就没有发生,Clovis First理论的反对者由此解释说可能是因为最早到达北美的人类为数太少因此没有留下太多证据。

关于Clovis First理论(Clovis人是首批到达北美的人)的一个新近争议来自欧亚大陆S文化的发现,S文化所用的石刃工具很像Clovis的石刃工具,但S文化比Clovis早了几千年,有可能是这些S文化的人在大西洋出海捕猎最终到达了北美东北海岸。


第二段:提到他自己的理念 如何保证有创造性,在跳舞前会准备很多一系列的舞蹈组合动作,这些动作要比他真正在表演时跳的动作多出很多,这样他就可以在舞台上随意的把不同的动作自由的组合,这不同于即兴的表演或者是临场发挥,而是一种所谓的chance,利用这个理念他就可以每一次都会带给观众不同的表演感受并且这些都可以保证合理的品质。


第四段:在他的舞蹈中还有一个重要的理念就是events,意思是虽然音乐 布景以及舞者的动作都是独立的,但是当我们变换不同的背景和音乐之后,舞者仍然可以配合动作表现天然的一致性来愉悦观众

四、提到婴儿时期pretend play的几个发展阶段以及pretend play的好处。发展阶段从单纯的玩到模仿玩具在现实中的作用(用玩具电话做打电话的作用),再到无实物模仿(没有玩具电话,大人假装给婴儿打电话婴儿也会回应),再到模仿社会中的角色(爸爸妈妈。托儿所老师),好处一、social communicate;二、更善于处理不好的情绪和矛盾。


P1: The Old Stone Age is the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind’s history. It was not till around 30 thousand years ago (or 30 “kya") that the archaeological record reveals the emergence of technical and social advances, which comprised new technologies, hunting techniques, human burials, and an artistic tradition of astonishing competency. This dramatic change was known as the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. It had been traditionally argued that the Upper Paleolithic Revolution was an archaeological phenomenon exclusive to Eurasia. The absence of equivalent evidence in other regions suggested that a fundamental change had occurred in human intellectual development around 40 kya in Europe. However, the recent discovery in the Blombos Cave in South Africa of a block of decorated ochre and then sets of shell beads, dated to around 77 kya, opened up the debate. This supports other evidence of more versatile stone implements and bone tools found in Africa from the same period. Now the Upper Paleolithic Revolution is regarded as the most noticeable evidence for the evolution of modern human behavior.


•P2: Two further questions follow. First, what was happening to the human cognitive process during the 40,000 years or so from innovative usage of stone in the Blombos Cave to the flourishing of human creativity in Europe? Second, during the Pleistocene a series of momentous climatic events occurred—was climate change then a component? The question of whether the sudden transition seen in Europe was built on earlier developments in Africa has been addressed at length by anthropologists Sally McBrearty and Alison Brooks. They argue that the whole issue of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution stems from a profound Eurocentric bias and a failure to appreciate the depth and breadth of the African archaeological record.

接下来还有两个问题。首先,在大约4万年的时间里,人类的认知过程发生了什么变化,从布隆伯斯山洞的石头的创新使用到欧洲人类创造力的繁荣?第二,更新世期间发生了一系列重大的气候事件——气候变化是其中的一个组成部分吗?人类学家萨利•麦克布里亚蒂(Sally McBrearty)和艾莉森•布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks)对欧洲的突然转变是否建立在非洲早期发展的基础上的问题进行了详尽的探讨。他们认为,旧石器时代晚期革命的整个问题都源自于一种深刻的欧洲中心主义偏见,以及未能理解非洲考古记录的深度和广度。

In fact, many South African archaeological sites show that the revolution occurred in Africa during the Middle Paleolithic—tens of thousands of years before they appeared in Europe. This is supported by evidence of using new stone tools like the blade and microlithic technology. Replication has shown that blades from the time required a high level of skill to make due to their shape, indicating a higher level of hominid complexity. At the same time, exploitation of aquatic resources began to prosper.

•P3: Contrasted with this view of a spontaneous leap in cognition among ancient 一 humans, some authors like Alison S. Brooks, primarily working in African archaeology, point to the gradual accumulation of modern behaviors, starting well before the 50,000 year benchmark of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution models. The extraordinary range of rock art in Australia adds great weight to the idea that artistic creativity was part and parcel of the intellectual capacity of modem humans that migrated out of Africa around 70 kya For the time being, the emergence of Modern humans in sub-Saharan Africa, socio-economic dynamism that caused their expansion through the Nile Valley into the Near East, and then a migration along the southern route of Asia as far as Australia is the most plausible scenario, though it still leaves much to be desired from future archaeological research.

与这种观点的自发飞跃认知在古代一人类,一些作者喜欢艾莉森·s·布鲁克斯,主要在非洲考古工作,指出现代行为的逐渐积累,开始在50000年的旧石器时代晚期革命的基准模型。澳大利亚岩石艺术的非凡的范围增加了很大的重量,艺术创作是现代人类的智力的一部分迁移出非洲大约有70 kya目前,现代人类的出现在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,社会经济活力,导致他们的扩张通过尼罗河流域近东,然后迁移亚洲南部路线到澳大利亚是最合理的情况下,然而,在未来的考古学研究中仍有许多不足之处。

•P4: The question of the sudden emergence of creative activity that appears to constitute the Upper Paleolithic Revolution falls to the ground. The obvious explanation is that the gap between African developments and the subsequent better-known European events is a matter of the limitations of the archaeological record. This does not altogether cover the question of why there was the sudden flowering of creativity at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic in Europe.

It may be that earlier creative efforts have either been lost in or have yet to emerge from the mists of time. Recent finds of decorative pierced shells dating from 43 kya or even earlier in caves in parts of western Asia near Europe may be examples of a process extending the evidence back in time. The changes in human behavior have also been attributed to the changes in climate during the period, which encompasses a number of global temperature drops. This meant a worsening of the already bitter climate which hence forced the ancestors of today's Europeans to move into a largely unpopulated region, their sudden presence in the archaeological record appearing revolutionary.




1. Why does the author mention a block of decorated ochre and sets of shell beads? 为什么作者提到了一块装饰的赭石和一套贝壳珠?

A. To help make the point that archaeologists regard artistic creations as the highest kind of human achievement

B. To illustrate how the discovery of certain objects makes the discovery of certain other objects more likely

C. To give some of the evidence that has changed archaeologists' thinking about human intellectual development

D. To help explain why archaeologists have been slow to recognize the importance of certain evidence available to them

2. How far back in time do the origins of the more versatile stone implements and bone tools found in Africa go? 在非洲发现的用途更广泛的石器和骨骼工具的起源可以追溯到多久以前?

A. To around 40 kya

B. To around 77 kya

C. To the time of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution

D. To a time before modern "human” behavior had begun to evolve

3. The word "equivalent" in the passage is closest in meaning to文中“等效”一词的意思最接近

A. comprehensible

B. concrete

C. comparable

D. widely debated

4. According to paragraph 2, what do archaeologists want to know about the climate? 根据第二段,考古学家想知道关于气候的什么?

A. Whether it was a reason that humans lived in caves

B. Whether it was stable throughout that period

C. Whether it changed in similar ways in Africa and Europe

D. Whether it was a factor in how the human cognitive process developed

5. According to paragraph 2, anthropologists McBrearty and Brooks argue that archaeologists' traditional understanding of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution was flawed because根据第二段,人类学家麦克布里亚蒂和布鲁克斯认为考古学家对旧石器时代晚期革命的传统理解是有缺陷的,因为

A. they underestimated available African archaeological evidence.

B. the archaeological evidence available to them contained errors.

C. they could not distinguish artistic creations from objects meant for practical use.

D. they based their judgments on the limited archaeological record available at that time.

6. Anthropologists McBrearty and Brooks consider such components of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution as blade and microlithic technology to have麦克布里亚蒂和布鲁克斯认为旧石器时代晚期革命的组成部分,如刀刃和微岩屑技术

A. first emerged in the Middle Paleolithic Period, in Africa rather than in Europe

B. emerged in Europe independently in many different places at different times

C. first emerged in Europe, then to have been further developed in Africa

D. been part of a similarly sudden, but earlier, cultural revolution in Africa































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